19 Jan Report: Why a British Foreign Policy Group?
The British Foreign Policy Group (BFPG) is a new organisation with the aim of supporting greater public understanding of the UK’s foreign policy choices. Its flagship report: ‘Why a British Foreign Policy Group’, outlines the key reasons why the UK needs an independent not for profit organisation that encourages constructive, informed and considered opinions on UK foreign policy without taking an institutional position on any issue.
To download a .pdf version of the report, click here.
To view sourcing for graphs in the report, click here.
The BFPG is unique in that its objectives will be achieved all whilst bridging the gap between the policy world and the greater British public.
Why A British Foreign Policy Group?
Foreign policy impacts the lives and fortunes of everyone in the UK. Accessible and easily understandable information is crucial for UK citizens to critically and constructively engage on foreign policy decisions.
The world is becoming more complex – Brexit is but one example. The BFPG will revitalise a national conversation on the UK’s international requirements and provide a forum for UK-wide engagement on how best to advance our national interests in an increasingly complex global environment.
The UK’s capacity to understand and overcome global volatility is increasingly challenged. The BFPG aims to reverse this trend, providing a non-governmental focus to understand links between national wellbeing and global influence.
If you would like to know more about the work of the British Foreign Policy Group, or request a copy of the report please contact the Executive Director – Tom Cargill tom.cargill@bfpg.org.uk, 020 7318 9200.