21 May Richard Wike from Pew Research on Public Opinion and the Global Soft Power Struggle
Sophia Gaston, Director of the British Foreign Policy Group, speaks with Richard Wike, the Director of Global Attitudes Research at Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. They discuss how Americans, Germans and Brits are viewing one another’s performances in the pandemic, whether the EU might step up as a global actor, and the pandemic’s consequences on public opinion ahead of the US Presidential Elections.
Richard Wike is director of global attitudes research at Pew Research Center. He conducts research and writes about international public opinion on a variety of topics, such as America’s global image, the rise of China, democracy, and globalization. He is an author of numerous influential Pew Research Center reports, and a regular media commentator for US and international outlets. Wike received a doctorate in political science from Emory University. Before joining Pew Research Center, he was a senior associate for international and corporate clients at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.
A recording of the video can be watched below.